pühapäev, aprill 08, 2007

See pole küll minu luuletus , aga see laul meeldib mulle hirmsasti

Willow Tree  (Alton Ellis)

They say that once the tear has fallen,
the willow cries eternally
cry not for me, my willow tree
don't shed your tears eternally
cause I have found the love I've searched for
I need your tears no more, no more

So tell where, my weeping willow
and if we'll ever meet again
cry not for me, my willow tree
don't shed your tears eternally
cause I have found the love I've searched for
I need your tears no more, no more

They say the willow cries for someone
and that's when someone's heart is broken
cry not for me, my willow tree
don't shed your tears eternally
cause I have found the love I've searched for
I need your tears no more, no more

Laulu laulab Gregory Isaacs kõikse etembini.
Reggae laulude sõnad on üldse head.
aga regilaulude omad ei jää ka alla.
üldse kui luuletamisest rääkida siis ma kogu aeg ütlen endale
et aeg Vana Kannel läbi lugeda....või vähemasti sirvida.
Need võrdlused ja sõnaväänikud vanades lauludes on ikka hoopis
kõrgem tase kui enamik praeguse aja popmöga.

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